Whatever it is, sharing your story can make all the difference.
Rates and Insurance
Initial consultation, no charge (video or by phone) 15 minutes.
Individual sessions, 50-minutes $150 (in person or virtual)
Familial session, 80-minutes $200 (in person or virtual)
Group sessions, 90 minutes, $50 (in person only)
Sliding Scale
I offer reduced rates to a limited number of clients. Please let me know if financial limitations outside of your control impact your ability to secure mental health.
I do not accept insurance or employee assistance programs. Clients must pay me directly at or before session.
Accepted Payments
Payments must be made at or before the session via major credit cards, flexible spending accounts, or a health savings account. I also accept Venmo, but please ensure your ‘privacy’ setting is on to ensure confidentiality.